I work with a bank In West Africa,Burkina faso,I have a business transaction for you.In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $10.5 Million US Dollars.In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in plane crash.
Since his supposed next of kin died along side with him, there is nobody to claim the left over balance in the account.It is therefore upon this discovery that I and other officials in my department decided to seek your assistance and present you to the bank as his Next of kin or business associate.
If you accept i would give you the guide lines of how we can achieve this transfer of the balance (10.5 Million Dollars) to your account.and we will share the money 50-50%.Get back to me if you are financially capable of handling this transaction and assist me.furnish me the below information.for more details.
Your full name….
Your age and sex…
Your country......
Your Cell phone number..
Your Occupation....
My Regards to you and your family
Dr.Amadou Kebbi
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